Kimden: Velazquez
Telefonunuz: +13522173320

İleti Gövdesi:
hi, I discovered your website on Google Maps and I gotta say that its not really set up properly. I think you’re losing a ton of leads by not implementing a few easy tweaks that could really help. The good thing, I made a course that’ll get you configured in just an hour and a half.

I also noticed that your page seo could use some improvement. Here’s the deal , if you buy my course on configuring Google Maps for only $27, I’ll give you a detailed SEO report made for your website at no extra charge. It s a great deal, you fix the maps and the SEO at the same time.

When you buy the course, just hit reply on the confirmation email and say “Hey I want the SEO analysis for my site: [] ” I will deliver it in 2-3 days.

Get the course here:

PS: My actual phone number doesnt end with a zero, it ends with a seven. This is just to check if you finished reading my message.

JP, at
Unlimited Client Engine

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